API Reference

Getting Started

This page will help you get started with the Gigasheet API.

1Pick a language


3Try it!

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!

End to End Example

You can try a complete example by following this End to End Example.

Content Type

The Gigasheet API only accepts Json. If you supply a body, such as in a POST request, you must add the header Content-type: application/json, otherwise your request body will be discarded by the API. On GET requests where you are only receiving content, you do not need to add this header.

The Gigasheet API always returns Json. You can optionally supply the header Accept: application/json but it is not required.

Unique Identifiers or Handles

Many objects in Gigasheet have their own unique identifier. These identifiers follow a consistent format. The characters are lowercase letters A through F, numbers, and underscores. Here is an example:


The unique identifier of a file, export, or other Gigasheet object is often referred to as its "handle" throughout the API documentation, the body of requests, and the responses. Due to a legacy implementation detail, however, you may also see it called "FileUuid" in some responses.

One way to find the handle of a sheet, export, or other object is by using the various API methods to enumerate objects. Or, if you are in the Gigasheet web application, you can find the handle of a sheet by opening the sheet and inspecting the URL, where you will see it as the last element of the URL path:


Python bindings

There is a partial Gigasheet API wrapper in Python available at github.com/gigasheetco/gigasheet-python. You can optionally use this in your projects to call the Gigasheet API from Python.


Ensure you understand the billing model of the Gigasheet API by reviewing our Billing and Costs page.

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